Understanding Wood: Wood is a Natural Product
All wood is a product of nature. While each wood type grows best in specific conditions, nature provides differences which are critical to the growing soil and weather The beauty of real wood is created by the infinite variation of grain, texture, and colour. This is especially true of hardwood; hardwoods are particularly noted for their variety in graining. It is the nature of hardwoods to have mineral streaks (light brown, dark brown, to black areas in the wood) and great variation in graining.
Care and Maintenance
We manufacture furniture for Indoor and Outdoor use. There is a difference in the type of finish applied for each and also in the care and maintenance of each.
Indoor & Outdoor Furniture: Our furniture needs to be maintained once a week. Re-oiling will be necessary once a week to prevent checking, warping and bending. The furniture piece needs to be oiled on all sides so that it can absorb and expel moisture equally. We recommend using Burmese Yellow teak Oil or Woodoc Weatherproof Wax. Conditions will have their effect on grain patterns and colour.
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